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The death of Lars Vilks

  • Editor
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2 år 4 månader sedan #1 av Editor
The death of Lars Vilks skapades av Editor
Lars Vilks' Death, an Analysis of the Audio. Part 1

On Oct 3rd, 2021, Lars Vilks and the two policemen assigned to protect him, died in a high speed crash with the Range Rover Sentinel armoured car, just outside Markaryd, Sweden. The prosecutor deemed it an accident caused by a spontaneous failure of the brand new Pirelli tire, which was of the correct load and speed rating for the car. At the same time, a nearby surveillance camera had captured the sound of the accident, and an initial sound that resembles a shot was left unexplained by the prosecutor. In this video I present my analysis of it, and what it led to. For context, Lars Vilks had been the subject of a number of assassination plots due to his drawing of the prophet Mohammed as a roundabout dog (at the time, as a sport virtually every neighbourhood in Sweden placed a statue of a dog in the center of their roundabout, as a kind of competition who could be the most ingenious). Note that there are subtitles in English, Swedish, and Spanish.

The Murder of Lars Vilks, audio analysis. Part 2

After determining the geometry of the shot, I now continue to identify the calibre, rifle, and ammo used. You may want to watch part 1 first for context. Please subscribe so that you won't miss any potential updates with late breaking news.

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